Writing is not an easy task for me. Specially, when I have to write in English. I was decently good writer in my mother tongue but it is unfortunate that in India, it is seen as a sign of backwardness to write in one’s own mother tongue. Observing my writing, I realize that sometimes it carries an impression of the material I am reading. For instance, if I am reading Dr. Radhakrishnan, my writing tend to be more flowery, more explanatory with long sentences. If I am reading Naipaul then my writing will be a bit sarcastic, usually dark and of course with long sentences. I guess, these long sentences is a British style. In any case, I don’t attend iota of intellectuality and lucidity of Dr. Radhakrishnan or fluency of self-expression of Naipaul. Even with their impression I distinctively remain an amateur writer.
I was sad when I realized this. Does that mean I am not original? Does that mean I won’t be a good writer ever because I don’t have my own style? I don’t know. My expression is unique in a way because they are amalgamation of various readings and activities I do or intend do. All though my thoughts are original, I would not dare to suggest that they are first of its kind. They echo a certain rational. They follow certain logical thinking line. I rarely write about my personal life and usually focus on world affairs. So through writing, rather than concentrating on eloquence of language, I attempt to get my thoughts across the board.
Whenever I try to write on certain topic, numerous thoughts, facts, viewpoints suddenly start gushing in my mind. It becomes impossible task even to start. Because, most of the world affairs are interconnected and when people fail to understand the correlation, either I feel dumb with my rhetoric’s or feel frustrated at lack of understanding.
I guess writer has to decide his intended audience and then make sure that his writing style will attract them. I can’t write a romantic story because I can’t describe beauty vividly. But, what I can do, is to write about current affairs either in inflammatory style or in more relaxed and yet suggestive way. Today’s media usually presents on the one side of the spectrum. I try to present the other spectrum by writing between the lines. I hope I will get better in it.