Saturday, October 12, 2024

Haryana Elections Surprise!

The Haryana elections have been a great surprise to the most. My predication was, BJP would lose by a small margin. They would win enough seats to hold their ground but need to win more to form the government. But BJP leadership and strategists had other plans! When they smelled defeat, they hunkered down and got busy making rapid changes. First, they removed the Chief Minister of more than 9 years and replaced him with a relatively new face. The easy transition between Chief Ministers starkly contrasts with dynastic, 'Jaagirdaari' types in-fighting in Congress whenever there is a change. Second, the BJP implemented a time-tested strategy of overhauling the existing power structure. In 2013, Shivraj Singh Chauhan, incumbent CM of Madhya Pradesh, did not give tickets to more than two-thirds of sitting MLAs. A bold strategy that paid spectacularly as he returned to power with an overwhelming majority- adding 22 more seats than his prior term. BJP similarly gave tickets to only a few sitting MLAs. This led to discontent in the ranks. There were rebellions and party changes. But the party and the leadership stayed put. What was there to lose anyway? Third and last, they made the election local - no longer the Modi election engine. Modi ji played his role and campaigned, but the state-level elections remained state-level. The door-to-door campaign and booth management have always been BJP's fortress, and it was on full display! 

However, the BJP's victory in the Haryana elections was not just a good showing but a historic win. In 2014, when BJP first won the majority, they secured 47 out of 90 seats. This time, when they were expected to face a massive defeat, the party held their ground and won 48 seats, their best-ever electoral showing in the state. The math behind this victory can be explained, but what about the voter sentiments that drove such a significant shift? What factors led to this landslide victory?

The Congress party and the other so-called opposition were riding high, understandably so, after sudden gains they achieved during the May general elections. However, they thought they won more seats because of issues they raised, which is not valid. They have yet to come up with better solutions than what the current dispensation has in place. They did not have any fresh ideas either. In the name of electoral strategy, all they had was scaremongering, rumor-mongering, and archaic ideas of social justice that the majority of the upward-moving Indians do not identify with. The scare tactics about the Indian Constitution being in danger did work to an extent. Still, incumbency played an equal or more role in giving a jolt to the BJP in the general elections. Unfortunately, Congress, one of the only main opposition parties in Haryana, stuck to the old formula. They raised false alarms over social justice and outsourced the outrage industry to a third party (the Wrestlers, in this case).

To make matters worse, they made critical mistakes in the caste equation. BJP has been constantly creating a new flank to oppose the dominant caste in every election. In Haryana, the BJP, in the past,  managed to unite the non-Jat castes. The Congress party attempted to counter this by adding Selja Kumari to the state leadership. But that backfired spectacularly since the former CM was in no mood to surrender his position of power. That impacted the voting pattern since the non-Jat voters may have decided to stick with the BJP. 

The last but essential development often overlooked is the Hindu vote bank consolidation. It has been happening regularly since 2014. The vote consolidation did happen in Haryana as well. There is no metric to calculate that since the Hindu votes do get divided along the caste lines. But constant disparaging of Hindu sentiments by the Congress and other Opposition parties has been building a silent wave of antipathy towards them. If the BJP plays the cards right, they are likely to win in the upcoming Maharashtra and Jharkhand elections. 

Monday, September 23, 2024

The Ripple Effects of General Elections

The current political situation in India is a fascinating puzzle, with the aftermath of the General Elections still unfolding. Not all critical political players have grasped the full implications of the results, and the election threw the wildest possible scenario. The opposition parties, after a long struggle, finally managed to land a punch on BJP's formidable election machinery. The disruptive force of the Modi factor in Indian politics has been a unique phenomenon. Since 2014, every election at every level in every corner of the country has become a referendum on Modi Ji.  The Opposition, at first, could not comprehend this unique situation, and then, they could not counter it effectively. The political discourse of Hindutva, coupled with rapid economic growth ushered by the Modi government, was a potent force.

The narrative took an unexpected turn when the Opposition, especially the Congress party, stumbled upon a counter-narrative - that the BJP is planning to change the Constitution and do away with the reservations. By sheer chance, this canary of lies hit the chord. Apart from this new election strategy, Modi Ji and BJP were already fighting apparent voter fatigue and anti-incumbency. The Opposition played the narrative that the Modi government plans to tinker with the Constitution, again and again, once the Opposition realized there was an audience for this story. This strategy was not a knock-out punch; it would never be one. However, it did bring the BJP down from the heady clouds. The seat drop, especially in Uttar Pradesh, will undoubtedly slow down the BJP's march shortly.  

But does that mean the halo of Modi ji has dimmed? I don't think so. His popularity is increasing. Modi Ji joined the hallowed chamber with only two occupants - our first PM, Jawaharlal Nehru, and then Indira Gandhi. These two Prime Ministers also continue to generate respect across the voting patterns. However, Shri Nehru's popularity has been waning lately, Smt. Indira Gandhi's popularity among the masses is still high. Similarly, Modi Ji continues to be widespread across the party lines. His clean image, work ethic, and ability to connect with the masses remain unparalleled in the current political situation. 

However, will that popularity translate into more and more votes? That is to be seen in some of the upcoming elections. BJP is grappling with 'grown-up' issues. Growing rapidly is fun, but maintaining the lead is a onerous task. The strategy needs to constantly be agile. And most importantly, the ideology also needs to constantly shift. No one can claim to be a true ideologue in politics. But BJP does hold on to its founding ideology to a large extent. And that's where they are likely to problems. The people that shouldn't be in the party are being added because they can potentially win the election. While the people who built the party or are core ideologues are being sidelined so the party can potentially win the elections. This is bound to happen for any political organization. I hope BJP sticks to the ideology and does not get carried away to win elections at any cost. I hope the party sticks with home-grown, in-house cadre instead of relying on 'imports'. I hope the party gives free hand to Yogi Adityanath and not fall prey to internal politicsl.  I am curious to see how the BJP manages this situation. 

They are still the best and, for most purposes, the only political party that works towards the development of the country. If the party mismanages this rapid rise and the issues it brings, then the country will pay the heavy price. 

Saturday, August 17, 2024

The Kamala Effect In The White House!

The current US Presidential race has been a wild affair so far. It is such a rollercoaster ride that even the astute political pundits feel dizzy. To start with, you have the dramatic comeback of Donald Trump. Buried and thought to be left for dead under multiple fraud investigations, no one saw him demolishing opposition within his part to win the Presidential nomination. The fact that he is a convicted felon mattered to literally no one. Presidential races are ultimately popularity contests. And Trump knows how to remain popular! Trump entered the race against an incumbent President with such force that his winning the election almost felt like a foregone conclusion. The deteriorating faculties of the incumbent President Biden were often at the crossroads with his ambition. That played very well in Trump's campaign. The first televised debate was a disaster for President Biden. The incoherence, the stumbling, the mumblings were a cringe of epic proportion. Trump got an opportunity to debate with himself, and he did well.

As if that was not enough, Trump was (slightly off) the center of a deplorable attempt on his life. Violence or assassinations have no place in a civil society. However, Trump's campaign just hit another jackpot with the failed assassination attempt. This event not only bolstered Trump's image as a resilient leader but also significantly increased his campaign funds for the 2024 election (that he is accused and convicted of using for his gains in the last election campaign). Trump's campaign was probably hiring an interior decorator to redesign the white house Presidential bedroom! 

There is a reason political drama is hard to predict. It's a classic butterfly effect. As Trump, in his mind, was readying himself to ascend the throne, he overplayed his hand. The debacle of the televised debate forced the opposition to take drastic measures. In an unprecedented move, the Democratic Party forced the incumbent President to resign from running again. As if that was not enough, the Party decided to punt wild and nominated a woman with mixed racial background, Kamala Harris. This decision was a strategic move to appeal to a broader voter base and to provide a fresh perspective in the race. Initial reactions to Kamala Harris's nomination were decidedly mixed. The last time Americans had a choice of electing a woman President, they elected Trump! Will the history repeat itself? Perhaps. However, to everyone's surprise, Kamala Harris's campaign is progressing. Undecided voters are leaning towards voting for Harris. These undecided voters hated Trump, but they hated Biden more. Kamala Harris's candidacy provided these undecided voters an honorable way out; now they are banding together behind her. Trump and his campaign managers did not see this coming. They are found completely flat-footed. Trump is panicking, and instead of adjusting, continuing with his old strategy of personally attacking his opposition, constantly lying on everything, and, instead of any sensible policy, blabbering randomly on random matters. The only difference between President Biden's and Trump's incoherence is Trump sounds very confident! 

You can fool some people sometimes, you can fool all the people one time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time! Trump is likely to find that out the hard way in November. His rabble-rousing has aroused the apathetic voters, who will likely come out en masse to vote against him! 

The rapid shifts in political fortunes are a testament to the unpredictable nature of the US Presidential race. The old adage of 'it's not done till it's done' holds true, and with a month and a half left until the elections, the potential outcomes are significant. While things can still change, for now, it seems Kamala Harris's candidacy is on the brink of a significant development in the White House. 

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Congress - What's Next?

Lies and rumor-mongering. That is the newest strategy of the Congress party, particularly Rahul Gandhi. The party has recently faired much better than most expected in the recent election. Buoyed by the success, the voters will likely believe that the Party and Rahul Gandhi will raise real issues like taxation or inflation. Instead, we are witnessing Rahul Gandhi lying through his teeth in the Parliament on issues such as the Agniveer program. And instead of cornering the government on taxation, doing imbecile acts like walking across to shake hands with the PM and hug him. After this juvenile show, Rahul Gandhi lied some more, like calling out the situation of Locomotive Pilots of trains when all parameters showed that the problem of these train drivers had improved in the last ten years. No mainstream press or journalist is asking Rahul counter-questions. Perhaps Rahul needs to let them ask questions. He and the party have assumed the role of a guerilla terrorist - attacking and then scuttling to the dark and putrid corners. 

The strategy of 'lying first, second, and third' is familiar. It is one of the oldest tricks in any political book. Donald Trump has been using it to great success. Perhaps, Rahul realized that, and now he is trying to assume the Trumpian avatar. Trying to become Trump of India. He has learned from his past mistakes and lies only in the Parliament. Rahul was disqualified from his parliamentary seat and humbled by the justice system for publicly lying. Instead of learning from this and being more responsible with his words and actions, he changed the venue of spreading false information. What is said in Parliament is fully protected; no one can file a libel case based on parliamentary speech. That is the reason Kejariwal goes on a rampage in the Delhi assembly: he knows he is untouchable there. Rahul followed Kejariwal in this aspect. Of course, Rahul has ways to go before he can compete with Kejariwal. No one lies like Kejariwal. No one!

Do Indian people deserve Rahul Gandhi? Certainly not. An overwhelming majority of Indians work very hard to earn their living. They face the consequences if they don't perform in their jobs. They behave responsibly and maturely, unlike Rahul Gandhi who has never faced consequence for his actions. It is unlikely he will face any backlash in the future. Mockery, yes! But he is never going to lose his stronghold over the grand old party. He will always have servents waiting to serve him, no matter the job. Quite a position he has, in stark contrast to the hardworking Indian people, who deserve better than a leader who evades responsibility. 

He also doesn't have to pay taxes. By the way, has he ever had a real job to earn his living? 

Having no opposition is not good for democracy. Having Rahul Gandhi and the Congress party as an opposition is far worse. They will not think twice before putting the country in danger, driven by their lust for power. Take the example of Jairam Ramesh. This man has not won a single vote in his name, yet he caused havoc in the economy through his environmental terrorism activism. And the moment this person sees some sunshine, he has gone after the Nicobar island project - a strategically important initiative needed for India's maritime security in the Indian ocean. Perhaps, Ramesh has received his Yens recently! Their actions are not just a threat to the government but to the entire nation, a fact that should deeply concern every Indian. 

It will be interesting to see how Modi Ji and his government manage the next few years. Despite the Modi government's tax on terrorism, this government is still the best bet for India's future. I hope Rahul Gandhi and his servant party lose steam barking and, most importantly, come to the next election; better sense prevails for Indian voters. Under the leadership of Modi Ji, there is hope for a brighter future for India. 

Sunday, June 23, 2024

BJP - What's Next?

The recent Lok Sabha election results, a seismic shock to the system, have potential of significantly reshaping the political landscape. The unexpected surge of the Opposition block, a clear sign of shifting power dynamics, and the surprise blow to the ruling BJP in UP were outcomes that most of the general public and poll pundits did not see coming. However, I would argue that these are not bad results for anyone. Very rarely, political strategies, rivalries, and brinkmanship create win-win situations. And the 2024 Lok Sabha elections come quite close to that.

Before I proceed, let me get a few things straight. BJP should have won absolute majority. The party and honorable Prime Minster have worked tirelessly to develop our nation, so general voters should have reposed their absolute faith in them. The opposition block, especially the Congress Party, winning so many seats is not good news for our country. Some may argue that it is suitable for democracy, etc., which may be true in an ideal world. The reality is that the ideologies that these opposition parties espouse are dangerous to the future of our country. The country does need to defeat the inane, counter-productive, and borderline anti-national, myopic ideologies of the Opposition. For this purpose, the BJP is the sole option available to us as a nation.

Winning three consecutive times in anything is extremely hard. Winning Lok Sabha elections thrice in India is rare as finding another Kohinoor diamond. Only Shri Jawaharlal Nehru has won three times in a row. But India's population in 1962 was little more than a third of where it currently stands. And Shri Nehru was still basking in the glory of independence struggle movement. Shri Modi had none of these advantages. Coming from a humble background and Modi ji, for a decade, has managed the population of 140 crores well. Him winning third time is a lot more commendable than Shri Nehru's hattrick. 

The general consensus in the country was BJP will absolute majority easily. That did not happen. What are some of the critical reasons Modi ji and BJP lost out (by a whisker) the majority mark? The reasons for this, including the role of Hindutva and anti-incumbency, are crucial to understanding the election dynamics.

Hindutva does not win a majority - Rewind a bit to January of 2024. Shri Ram mandir was recently inaugurated. Modi ji and BJP were basking in the glory of completing one of their stated goals of building a grand temple in Ayodhya. The enthusiasm was high across the country. Even the voters who wouldn't vote for BJP were happy to see the temple. Alas, that alone does not mean voters will elect the BJP again. If that was the case, wouldn't the BJP have won grandly back in 1991? Hindutva works only up to an extent. Hindu voter bank is divided across caste lines, that's one. But Hindu voters do not get swayed by religious fervor, unlike the Muslim vote bank. Hindu vote banks need what they need from the political parties and the ruling dispensation. Religion can be taken care of later or privately. Caste dynamics, development, low inflation, higher growth and Hindutva is the combination that is required, and in that combination. It is very tough to get all of the above factors correctly. 

Anti-incumbency: Governing a vast nation like India is bound to create negative perceptions in different pockets despite best intentions. And it is also a good sign for a democratic framework that voters are keeping a tight leash on potential dictators to rise. We have experienced Indira Gandhi as a dictator, which was not pretty. Despite the best intentions and best possible implementation of a host of economic policies by the Modi government, India's economy is too big and complex to manage. There will be some social strata left in disadvantageous situations. For example, the GST has been a game changer but has adversely impacted inflation. Despite interim COVID years, the fiscal deficit has been steady because of the constant rise in tax collection (among other factors!). However, taxpayers feel extreme heat of high tax brackets and double or triple taxation. All such factors do play a crucial role in impacting election results. It is noteworthy that despite a decade-long rule, BJP's vote share has been rock solid.

Hubris: Like anti-incumbency, hubris set in is also bound to happen. Anyone or any political organization that has been ruling for a long time believes in a certain way to win. These 'certain ways' obviously worked in the past but may need change, and that change is either missed or resisted.  A classic example is the BJP absorbing scores of 'leaders' from opposition parties and giving them contesting tickets. This strategy ruffled feathers in party cadres and leaders who have been toiling for decades. But more than that, how effective is this short- and long-term strategy? It is evident that in the last two elections, people may not have vetted their local candidate since they just wanted to get Shri Modi elected. But what was the likelihood the same voting pattern would continue?

Similarly, breaking opposition parties and forming alliances with the breakaway factions was another strategy that backfired spectacularly, especially in Maharashtra. Shri Modi's popularity has not waned even a bit, but people are looking for a change in style and functioning. Voters, especially the loyal BJP voters, are looking for a change in political strategies. I am sure we will see the change soon.

As I mentioned earlier, the BJP's vote share has not changed. Despite taking severe blows in Maharashtra (expected) and UP (unexpected), they gained quite a bit in TN, Kerala, Telangana, and Odisha. The party has truly become a pan-India party. And that's an outstanding achievement in itself. The cadre remains strong and committed, and electoral fortunes by each state (except for Maharashtra) remain bright. The party has stayed true to its identity and has achieved quite a bit from its manifesto. All these are pointing towards a strong future, but the future is not without its uncertainties.

Now, all they need to do is stay clear about aligning with someone like Ajit Pawar! 

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Targeting Election Commission?

On Monday, I did my civic duty to vote in the current Loksabha general elections. The process was not just efficient and smooth; it was a testament to our democracy in action. There was a little queue in my particular room, but I remember when the line stretched around the block, filled with eager citizens ready to make their voices heard. There was a queue for a couple of other rooms. But even in those rooms, the situation was calm and orderly, a true reflection of the respect and civility of our fellow voters. I observed voters from all walks of life entering with unwavering confidence, fully assured that their votes would be counted, their voices would be heard, and their significance duly recognized.

I felt proud to vote, but more than that, I felt proud that our country gives all of us this privilege. Having this opportunity available to more than 90 crore people takes work. Lakhs of people from various walks of life work tirelessly to execute the voting framework across all the constituencies. These individuals, our poll workers, are generally paid little and do not work in comfortable situations. They are in a safe environment at best, but it's typically scorching hot with the bare minimum comfort provided. At worst, they are in a dangerous situation where violence is just around the corner to go with the bare minimum comfort provided. Yet these poll workers show up to work under intense pressure and scrutiny. I am deeply grateful for their dedication and service. 

The political parties, especially the Congress party and Rahul Gandhi, have continuously treated the Election Commission and the entire Voting process as their political punching bag. It's unfortunate to see the Election Commission being unfairly criticized without any valid reason. I question the political returns of this strategy. The violence commonplace during voting a few decades ago has all but vanished. The process of voting and counting takes far less time. And EVMs generate more confidence among the populace than the old system of counting votes by hand. Does Rahul or the Congress party take voters for fools? Do they think voters are clamoring to return to the pre-technology era? Perhaps. 

Or is there something more sinister lurking here? 

It's not just Rahul Gandhi and his sycophantic party baying for the Election Commission's 'blood.' NGOs and 'activists' like Prashant Bhushan also want to impede the work and defame the process. This cohort has probably yet to do a penny's worth of hard work in their entire life, yet they question the working framework of the electoral process. Prashant Bhushan and his NGO are not accountable to the people, the people's mandate, or the legislative authorities. They make their bread and butter by leveraging their contacts in the judiciary system to get petty petitions heard on a priority in the Supreme Court. Going to Supreme Court with a petition costs money and most importantly, a lot of time. Yet, the Supreme Court is ever eager to entertain petitions and then pontificate based on that. I obviously cannot 'question' the judgments and choices of the honorable Supreme Court. It can land me in trouble. It is their prerogative to keep some cases pending for decades while giving preference to Yakub Memon or Teesta Setalvad. Or to Prashant Bhushan and his inane petitions. The reality is these petitions and honorable justices commenting on them while the elections are still underway sow the seeds of distrust among the voters. It also creates a narrative that the functioning of Indian democracy is flawed. That is, democracy is in danger in India! 

One has to wonder why Prashant Bhushan and his comrades are so eager to file a petition now when the workings of the Election Commission have been transparently available to the masses for a long time. Do they want to create chaos? Do they want to overturn the results? There are hidden motives behind Prashant Bhushan's filing scores of petitions. But why is the honorable court prompt in giving an audience to Prashant Bhushan? Why does the honorable Court see these petitions as constitutional crises and decide to entertain them? Today, the honorable Court asked the Election Commission to explain why the EC took longer than usual to provide voting percentage figures. The Court requested EC to submit the answer within a week! Why is the honorable Court not questioning the timing of the petition? Can this petition or the answers to the questions raised in the petition be answered after the election? Is the petition filed because there is any evidence of fraud? Does the honorable Court believe that the officers of the Election Commission are so jobless that their time is better spent answering the frivolous petitions filed by a dubious lawyer?

We may never know.

As the curtains close on another general election in India, it is time to applaud the Election Commission and its execution prowess. It is time to thank the hundreds of thousands of volunteers, mostly government employees, primary school teachers, etc., for toiling and doing a thankless job so that we all can vote freely and securely.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Kejariwal - The End in Sight!

Seeing Kejariwal finally getting arrested and remanded into custody was so much fun. This was long due. The man always presented himself above the law and was probably delusional to think he was a new-age Gandhi. He obviously is not a Gandhi. But he is equally delusional, for sure. The case against him for anti-money laundering is quite robust. His leading acolytes, arrested for being part of the scam, have not seen the sunshine in over a year. Apart from being trusted lieutenants of Kerjariwal, these individuals were also high-ranking cabinet ministers. Yet, neither the High Court nor the Supreme Court has given them bail. The burden of proof of innocence is on the accused in money laundering cases. Suffice it to say these arrested ministers have failed to provide any sort of proof till now. I hope Kejariwal also goes behind the bar for months or years. The spectacular fall from graces is staggering for someone who spearheaded the anti-corruption movement barely a decade ago. He was also astoundingly successful in uniting the country against the sitting central government. Now, he is charged with bribery and money laundering? Even a Hindi movie may need help to develop a better plot than this story.


As I write this article, Kejariwal argues in court that he was arrested without following due process, a severe accusation against central law agencies should lead to his immediate and rightful release from jail if proven. The critical aspect of the defense here is that Kejariwal is not questioning the charges but the process of arresting him. This may be courtroom legal maneuvering. However, the self-proclaimed guru of clean politics holding on to the shreds of procedural lapses to stay out of custody is ironic. 

Even if he manages to get out of jail. The damage done to his reputation is likely to be irreparable. That does not mean he will not get elected. Reputation and electability are independent events. But he wore his 'clean' reputation on his sleeves everywhere. It was his USP, his identity. He continued to bark at everyone because of his self-proclaimed clean reputation. Didn't he tightly hug Lalu Yadav publically during a political rally? Didn't he flip-flop politically while forming, then dissolving, only to form the government again with the support of the Congress party? Kejariwal did this political somersault after telling the masses he would arrest the Congress Chief Minister if elected. During the runup for Punjab elections, Kejariwal openly pandered to anti-India Khalistani elements. In the early days of AAP, he provided space for shady elements like Kavita Ramdas, a Pakistani by marriage. And yet, he continued to wear the 'clean' image as his Karna-kavach. The delusion he suffered wasn't his alone. His supporters are equally crazy. The propaganda that he is the only one standing against corruption, against the system, was so strong despite repeated credible allegations of corruption in the Delhi government. He appeared on TV with a photo of Dr. Ambedkar on one side and Bhagat Singh on the other, and yet, he has taken donations from shady foreign NGOs and has done pandering on their behalf. The man questioned our Army after surgical strikes and attempted to create confusion during the Pandemic. The list continues, yet he managed to stay politically relevant. Never pays for his mistakes and designs. He was never held accountable. 

Not anymore. 

Kejariwal has finally run out of excuses. He will face the consequences of the fraud he implemented. Kejariwal thought he was smart by not being responsible for any ministry that would absolve him of any issues. The law can be blind but not stupid. Kejriwal plans to siphon money were juvenile at best. It's like a cat drinking milk with its eyes closed. The world can still see the cat! Moves made by Kejariwal and his cronies were closely watched. It can be surmised that the powers to be, in fact, waited for Kejariwal and his team to take the steps and make the mistakes. And when the 'plan' was finally in place, the agencies closed in. The proofs were already available and irrefutable. Though the arrests and subsequent drama spread over a year, the end was always evident. Kejariwal was the kingpin of the fraud, and he was the target, as he should be. Our man considered brazening through this by simply refusing to answer the summons or cooperate. He must have tried every trick available for backroom dealings with the government and central agencies to stay out of trouble. He must have also tried pressurizing the central government through his handlers in Germany and the US. But his juvenile shenanigans had gotten on everyone's nerves. You can fool some people sometimes, all the people at one time. But you can only fool some of the people all the time. Kejariwal is about to pay for his sins, but there is nowhere to run! 

What's next? If Kerjariwal ended up in jail for an extended period, the AAP would likely go through turmoil. His dictatorial style of managing the party means that no leader is left to run the affairs without him. His couple of trusted lieutenants are already rotting in jail for more than a year now. Not having a credible leader does not mean a lack of ambition. The ambitious people of AAP will likely rise to the occasion or, at least, attempt to do so. This means they will either sideline him or the party will split. The party's voter base used to core Congress voters. The party splitting will further splitter this voter base, indirectly strengthening the BJP. But what will Kejariwal do without power because he is as power-hungry as one can get? It's hard to guess, but he will either go completely mad and do some bizarre political stunts or fade to inconsequential nuisance. 

Only time will tell.