Why don’t US come out of closet? If James McGreevy can come out of closet and save his (ass) political life and his corrupt money then why doesn’t US government learn something from him? The reasons that US give to invade Iraq are as absurd as it can get. But such reasons makes its task of capturing oil (if indeed, they will be able to capture oil!) more difficult.
Inadvertently, the mask of humanity, freedom and democracy that US constantly wear is harming US more than ever. Consider this option. Instead of saying that we want free democracy in Iraq, what if US says that we are superpower and we practically depend on oil, and Iraq is second largest reservoir of oil. So, in our quest of new oil deposits we want Iraq. I mean, this wouldn’t be any strange or unheard argument. Since the beginning of Stone Age when humans used to fight with stones, the powerful rules the world.
I really doubt if Alexander the Great gave any reasons to invade other countries. His ultimate quest to win India did not spawn from the ideology of spreading freedom. In fact India was more advanced and rich civilization, but he wanted to win the entire known world so that he will be infinitively richer and powerful. There are scores of such example spread throughout the human history. In every era there is a superpower and it gave no reasons to any of its acts.
Is it practical to ask Genghis Khan that why did he killed millions of people? Or to Hitler? What is the reason behind Britain’s quest of dominating half of the world in 18th century? Simply stated they needed more money and power so that they countryman will be able to live more luxurious life.
I sincerely believe if George Bush gave similar argument then world will be better off. First, all the moral arguments that are against war in Iraq will cease to exist as morality does not apply to powerful. (Michael Moore will loose his job!) Secondly the insurgents in Iraq will understand that they are fighting with Americans who are now ready to fight till death. That means till death of all insurgents.
The ruse of spreading democracy is not working properly nor will it work in future. On the other hand it is tarnishing the image of US in the areas where US actually does good work, for example in United Nations AIDS prevention efforts.
It’s high time that US people (US government already know this!) that their country is superpower. And whatever way they go, rest of the world will always keep bickering about their acts. So they better come out of closet and state that it’s their way or highway.
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