So, Mr. Afazal Guru, mastermind behind the attack on Parliament is very close to getting clemency. The game plan is pretty clear - he will get clemency and his death penalty will be converted into life imprisonment. He will have quite and luxurious life in the jail, proudly sponsored by Indian tax-payers. And, when he is bored, he will call his colleagues in Pakistan, they will do some hijacking and stuff and force Indian government to release him from the prison. He will then start working on his job of killing innocent Indian people again.
India is a reservation nation. Lower castes have reservation preference even for promotion in the government jobs. Minorities have separate civil code and separate education system. And, now we are going to have reservation policy for terrorists too. If you happen to kill more than five hundred people then Indian policy makers will think of prosecuting you. Anything less than that is a free ride. If you are a Muslim terrorist then no matter what you do, you will have complete support of Muslim community. Ok! May be not whole Muslim community but that terrorist can surely count on political class. The 93 bomb blasts prosecution is still dragging. In the mean time we suffered at least two major bomb blasts in Mumbai and Delhi and an attack on the Parliament. We had scores of small bomb blasts around the country but let’s just forget about them. I mean, isn’t it in-humane to scold terrorist and Pakistan so much? They are humans and they have rights too!
Mr. Afazal Guru was found guilty after four years of prosecution. All though, the attack on Parliament had Pakistan’s signature all over it, our politicians made every possible attempt to clamp on prosecution. And, now when the verdict is reached and that bastard mother-fucker is designated for hanging, the political hoopla began. It’s pretty systematic. First, the Muslim boards across the countries ‘expressed’ their concern for death penalty and set the vote bank politics set into the motion. Then the Muslim politicians in the congress party began to meet Sonia Gandhi to voice their opinion against the death penalty. But the nadir was to see the chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir saying that the death penalty is wrong. Recently, former chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, Mr. Farokh Abudullha babbled that such a penalty will divide Hindu and Muslim community. And, I wonder the reason behind insurgency in Jammu and Kashmir.
I am pretty sure, had terrorist killed few Member of Parliament (I wish, they had done that!) then the situation would have been totally different. Because, politicians are extremely important specie in India. And they are the one who are holding our nation hostage. They are petty, weak, boorish, clownish, thuggish corrupt and inane. They are dividing our society in order to reap personal profit. And, they won’t mind selling our country to Pakistan. I don't see any way out of this situation, unless, voters start thinking hard.
I am not sure if Mr. Afzal guru will receive clemency or not. I sincerely trust our President. I hope, he stays on the course and do what is necessary.
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