Friday, May 20, 2005

American Meat Industry

America is a bacon of capitalism (and freedom, so they say!) and epitome of professionalism. And this profit oriented mindset blossom most in their meat industry. Americans have voracious appetite for all kinds of meat, particularly red meat. Obviously the meat industry is multi-billion dollar industry. Under the banner of cost effectiveness the production methods have scant respect for life. I am not against eating meat but I believe that life of an animal should be valued. Animals are considered not as a living being but living ‘meat’ or piece of meat.

Injecting hormones, excessive feeding etc are some of the methods employed to produce more and more meat out one animal. The procedure of making tender veal is illustrative. Right after its birth the calf is separated from its mother and confined to few inches of space. If the calf is allowed to move then, its meat is less tender. Injected with hormones for growth the calf is slaughtered after few months.

There is saying in Marathi, “Ati tethey Mati”. It means that anything in excess is not good. The meat industry under the guise of professionalism is doing excess and using brutal methods to produce meat. Systematic destruction of live stock will have adverse impact not only on the society but also on the environment. Obesity and mad cow disease is prelude to what is coming. The future looks scary.

There is nothing new in this blog. But this topic was in my mind for so long that I was feeling itchy. I am quite relieved now.

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