Tuesday, May 07, 2013

The Chinese Import

I am not sure how the Chinese incursion happened. The details are not forthcoming but it reminded me of a legend. Chandragupta Maurya had recently defeated his arch-nemesis – the Nanda dynasty. He was busy in organizing the grand ceremony of coronation. Invitations were sent out in all directions. The ceremony was meant to be more than just grand. It was meant to be a statement signifying change in geo-politics. Nanda dynasty was one of the strongest at that time and Chandragupta by defeating them had established himself to be a power center throughout Indian sub-continent. His invitation to coronation wasn’t necessarily an invitation to party but rather an order to submit to his power.

 As it happened King Purushottam, popularly known as Porus, of Sindh had other plans in his mind. Instead of accepting the invitation he proceeded to behead Mauryan ambassador. He sent the ambassador’s head as his response.

Chandragupta was not sure what to make out of this mess. He had no problem with King Purushottam, at least for now. So he decided to carry on with the coronation. Chanakya, the protagonist behind Chandragupta’s ascension to power, after hearing this incidence was furious. The legend has it that he walked in the middle of ceremony and ordered Chandragupta to stop the ceremony and gather army to attack King Purushhottam. Chandragupta did just that. He proceeded to defeat King Purushottam in a bloody battle. After that battle he accorded himself a grand coronation.

The moral of the story – you better take any challenge to your sovereign authority seriously. I mean dead seriously. There’s no messing around. When your freedom is challenged you response better be furious and apt. The message has to be clear to the instigator – you can’t f*&k around with us.

Unfortunately modern day India never got this memo. We treat our sovereignty with pinch of salt. You attacked us, no big deal; let’s have a peace talk first. You want to encroach our territory, absolutely okay with that; let’s have a talk about that too. Our message is we don’t give a s&*t about our sovereignty or freedom and neither should you! Otherwise, how on earth China continues to encroach in Arunachal Pradesh and Kashmir 50 years we fought war with them. They smacked us around in 1962 due legendary inaptness and criminal negligence of Jawahar Nehru and yet we refuse to learn our lesson, refuse to be vigilent.

The Chinese were simply testing the water. They probably wanted to see how we respond. They probably wanted to check our preparedness. They must be glad to see we failed in every front. Our armed forces failed to detect the incursion, our political class failed to show resolve, strategy or vigor and our society simply turned their back. IPL is on TV, who the fuck cares if Chinese invade us tomorrow, right?

Not sure how so many morons believe that India will be a superpower because I don’t see any characteristics of a strong society. India 2020, my a$%^!

We have IPL though, a grand achievement indeed!  

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