Why did Bush win this election? Its been a week and almost all the newspapers in US and rest of the world worked overtime to answer this question. Though i am not sure whether to agree with them or not because i am completely alian to this country and to its culture. So if all these publications are saying that Bush won because he convinced voters in Mid-West America that he will stand for Moral Values then let be so. Personally i am surprised by this analysis but polls certainly shows that this is true. Frankly, my ideas of morality (Indian ideas!) are so different from morality in US that its worthless for me to wonder about this sudden morality awareness in US.
But somehow i see different reason for Bush's win. I am great admirer of V.S. Naipaul so I always try to see a bigger picture What i mean by bigger picture is that how we will perceive this result after 50 years from now.
There is great upheaving of Islamic fundamentalism in Middle-East Asia or rather, whereever there is substantial population of Muslims is present. The so called moderate voices are increasingly getting silenced and at the same time power of new Bin Ladens is increasing. Honestly speaking from my point of view there is no moderate Islam, in its all form its a radical religion. If someone is believes that Islam is a religion of peace then he or she is really naive because last millenium was full of blood bath because of South American genocide by Spanish and Asian genocide carried out by Islamic invaders. (of course there were Russian, German, Chinese genocides but they were not religious genocides.)
So right now Mr. Bush, a moral inspector and commander in Chief of free world which is usally perceived as Christian leader (He himself like to believe that he is a crusader!) by majority of Muslim world, won the election then why don't we see this as a slow coagulation of Christiandom against Islamic world. If Islam is fighting agianst Christianity then why can't Christianity fight with Islam. They need not to be in same format. Lets call Christianity as cruseders here. So Islam is openly defying Christianity but curseders might just say that they are for freedom and still fight with Islam.
All actions have equal and opposite reactions. Then if Islamic fundamentalism is pushing its agenda throughout the world in one format or other then it is unnecessary to belive that there will not be rise of Christian fundamentalism.
Some may say that America does not represent Christianity. True, but its a superpower country with christian majority. Also, we can certainly see the increasing unease among various Europian nations due to Muslim migrations. For example rise of right wing parties in France agains large scale Algerian migrations. Britain is batteling with Islamist from South east asia on their soil. Same with Denmark, Germany and Italy.
I think this is an extrimely slow process. It will take time. Its quite possible that in US, Democrats will win next election but i guess Mr. Bush started or gave center stage to this radicalism process and it will continue. This is not a Democratic or Republican process. As Islamic fundamentalism and radicalism will continue to grow, the possibility of same fundamentalism occuring in Christianity is 99 out of 100. (Vatican is a radical itself but i am talking about large masses who are Christian but not radical as Vatican.)
Any comments ?
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