They keep finding new ways to celebrate mediocrity," says Mr. Incredible in recently released movie The Incredible. (The movie is awesome by the way!). I am not talking about the movie plot, its characters and its superb animation. But its philosophical aspect which suits best to the recently concluded US presidential elections. Mr. George W. Bush was elected again and this time overwhelmingly as a President of US.
This person, for half of the time can’t even construct a simple sentence. (“I'm honored to shake the hand of a brave Iraqi citizen who had his hand cut off by Saddam Hussein.") This person didn’t know name of Pakistan’s President (or should we say Dictator!). He thought that there are WMD’s in Iraq, well there is nothing there. (nada!) We are not sure about Mr. Laden’s location. The economy is completely tanked. Almost all economists are equivocal that taxes should be raised but he did exactly opposite. He invaded Iraq without proper planning, without exit strategy. He celebrated victory in Iraq when almost 1000 soldiers (That’s 89% of war casualties) died after his famed Mission Accomplished.
North Korea and Iran, two of his axis of evil are currently on the forefront in the race of acquiring nuclear weapons. NorthKorea probably have nuclear weapons by now. Mr. A.Q. Khan, an celebrated Pakistani nuclear scientist was caught red-handed while selling Nuclear weaponry. But he was pardoned. And so on and so forth. But still society chose Mr. Bush over Mr. Kerry. Because the society seems to be so bored by intelligence, great oratory, and pragmatism and most worryingly they are so scared of truth that choice of Bush seems to be the solace.
By choosing Mr. Bush, an extremely mediocre person over Mr. Kerry, society have attained the epitome of ‘celebrating mediocrity’. I like when John Stewart said that we don’t want some Tom, Dick or Harry to be our president. But we want our President to be intelligent, a good orator and pragmatic.
I agree that Morality is one of the biggest issues today and to the certain extent it should be major issue. But, when your country is waging wrong war with wrong people. When real culprits of Spetember-11 are still at large and by all means are in healthy condition. When you are loosing more jobs to India and China faster then you are creating, when tax-cuts are actually healthy just for top 1% of the population. And rests 99% are left in lurch. And on the top of that when President lie about everything then moral issues take backseat.
I am not Republican, nor Democrat. But I am really afraid of Mr. Bush because his decision will affect whole world adversely in near future. No! Mr. Bush should not have been chosen as a President. Another four years are going to be, well, I would say not good.
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